Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Evening English Class

There will be an evening English class starting at IPC on Tuesday 9th October 6-7.15pm

Early morning prayer meeting

Tomorrow morning we're meeting for prayer between 6.45 and 8. Come along if you can for as long or short time as you can manage

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Joint Service with New Life Masih Ghar

On Sunday 30th our evening service will meet with New Life Masih Ghar to celebrate their becoming an official IPC church.
The service starts at 4.30pm

Harvest Sunday 30th September

In the morning service of the 30th Sept we will be having a harvest offering for the work of London City Mission and Kapsowar Hospital in Kenya. If you'd like to bring food tinned goods can be given to the LCM centre in Waterloo.

Football on Saturday night

Chris and Ashley will be hosting football on green at 6pm this Saturday night!

Thursday 27th September

Internationals Welcome Night at the YMCA on St Marys Road beginning at 7.30pm - All welcome

Internationals Prayer Meeting

On Sunday night we'll meet after the evening service to pray for Internationals night on the 27th. There's also a need for people to flyer language schools in Ealing if you can help contact Hristo.

Larry and Teri Beckler

This Sunday Larry and Teri Beckler will be visiting us from the US. At 4.30 they will be giving a presentation of their work.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Club 16

Club 16 begins tomorrow for children in school years 1-6 and so does 24:7 for those in years 6-9

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

English Language Class

The English language classes kick off this Thursday morning 9.30 -12.30

Monday, 10 September 2007

Tea on the Green

Tea on the Green takes place tomorrow from 3pm in the hut on Drayton Green

Early morning prayer meeting

There's a prayer meeting tomorrow morning from 6.30 - 8 - come for as long as you can