Tuesday, 19 June 2007

The Deacons report for the AGM

The following hopefully covers the issues looked at and discussed in the six months since the half-year meeting in November 2006.

Regular talks were held with the elders with regard to increasing the number of deacons, along with calling new people to replace those stepping down (in line with a term of office modification set out by the Presbytery).

Windows were inserted into the corridor doors in January, to comply with Child Protection regulations. We also continued to carry out further CRB checks for those involved in crèche and childcare. Our next course of action is to insert glass panels into the main chapel door (estimate £1,500).

The provision of refreshments and decorations for the carol service was set in place and our thanks go out to May for her creative talents.

New crockery was purchased for the church kitchen along with plastic cup holders etc to ease the washing up at Pot Luck lunches.

There is an ongoing suggestion of providing a bulletin board with photos/names to inform new people who the elders/deacons are, along with other personnel.

Leaving gifts for Aaron & Eileen Lawler and Sylvester & Janet Jacobs were arranged, and a suitable farewell party date was found prior to the Jacobs actual departure. Thanks to John Corcoran for his time and talent in providing the drawing for the Jacobs.

A ‘one-off’ social evening for all the elders and deacons (with partners) took place on 5 February which proved very successful and helped to unite our bond as servants of the Lord.

The date of 15 September has been earmarked for a church Family Fun Day. Another opportunity following the Holiday Club to create a stronger bond with our neighbours.

The Welsh pre-school group, along with the Liberal Synagogue group and Choices, continued to use the facilities of the church. Eileen Lawler also carried out craft courses at various times.

Regular reviews and updates are kept regarding ongoing repairs such as lighting/shades/manse security etc.

The donations and auction promises for the Ethiopian trip raised over £2,000, which enabled our team to have a successful trip. Thanks to everyone who gave so generously.

Plans for the provision of a suitable disabled/friendly toilet have been considered and are currently awaiting quotes from builders. Refurbishment to other toilets is to be provided at the same time.

To date no further action has been undertaken with regard to replacing the heating system since we await the outcome of a possible church plant (see Session report in November 2006).

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