Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Session Report

Over the past 6 months God has been kind and gracious to us as a congregation. We have seen many answers to our prayers, have been joined by new people and there have been lots of opportunities to share the gospel with others. It has been a joy to see new ministries started such as the International Hospitality Scheme and the Evening Language Class. We can say with the Psalmist, ‘It is the Lord’s doing and it is wonderful in our eyes.’

The congregation in the morning now averages around the 80 mark while the evening congregation can be anything between 45 and 60. Space on Sunday mornings is becoming more of an issue and we are currently looking into options with the deacons. Please continue to pray for wisdom for both elders and deacons.

As elders we have met less frequently in the past 6 months, however, at the end of September we held a planning retreat which was helpful in thinking, talking and praying together.

We have been glad to welcome Amir and are encouraged by how quickly he has settled in the congregation. Please do pray for Amir as he seeks to develop the Thursday Night Persian Bible Study and a Street Outreach Team based upon the Book Table ministry.

Kicheol and Hristo both started Cornhill in September. They are studying 2 days a week for the next 2 years finishing in June 09. Please pray that these 2 years would be used greatly in their lives.

The International Welcome Party was held once again in September at the YMCA - thank-you to all those who were involved. Although numbers were less than we hoped for Chris Roberts faithfully taught the gospel and we pray for the seed that was sown. As part of publishing the Hospitality Programme each International Student at Thames Valley University was sent an invitation. We had 26 applicants which is very encouraging and we thank-you to those who have volunteered to have students (and their families!) in their homes for meals. We, particularly thank Shan Shan for being willing to co-ordinate this. This is a great opportunity to build relationships. Let us pray for relationships and one another as we show hospitality and kindness to outsiders.

Jennifer Courtney has continued to develop the Language Classes. On Thursday mornings there are around 18 who come each week and Jennifer and Jill are hoping to hold lunches where Bible Stories can be told. There is still a need for more helpers in this work, so if you are able to spare a Thursday morning once a month please speak to Jennifer. The Evening Language Class started at the beginning of October led by Jennifer with Martin. Although numbers may have been less than we would have expected it has still been worthwhile. Tea on the Green will once again take place on December 11th and there will be a Language Class Christmas Party on Friday 14th December to which all the church is invited.

Holiday Bible Club was a great encouragement during the summer with good numbers of children coming along. Both 24:7 and Club 16 have known growth this term with more non-church children bringing friends. On Sundays we have continued to have children in during the sermon and there has been a class for them beforehand. In addition we are pleased to have so many young babies and toddlers. Crèche is bulging and there is the need to re-locate into the lounge shortly.

The plan in the new year is to begin a series on Sunday mornings in the letter to the Ephesians and to continue our studies in Mark’s gospel in the evenings. We have also decided start a Greenford based house-group, if you would be interested in attending this please speak to Graham Weeks.

Please do continue to pray for us. Pray that God would give us wisdom and courage as we seek to lead His church,

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