Friday, 29 February 2008

A good article

What can we learn from Francis Schaeffer? by Ranald Macauley, taken from the Christian Heritage

This Sunday

This Sunday we're in Ephesians 4 in the morning and in the evening we're taking a break from Mark and are in Luke 2 on Jesus at the temple

Grahams notes 2

Mark 6. Feeding of 5000 only miracle in all 4 gospels. Why this miracle? Influenced many, enormous power. Shows us Jesus the true Shepherd feeds his sheep through hid disciples.
1. The Shepherd's flock.12 just back excited from preaching tour and Jesus knows they need rest and refreshment. So cross in boat to Galilean wilderness but they were persued.Large crowd awaits. Jesus has compassion on them sheep without a shepherd.
Why seen as sheep? In wilderness the place of freedom from Egypt. Place they had to depend on God to provide. Guided them. God met with them. looked forward to promised land. Liberty. Privilege. Hope. But no shepherd. Herod was king. Ignored people's needs. Religious leaders do not feed them either. Jesus sees their need as sheep without shepherd. People are like that around us today in helpless confusion, not caring for their souls. Do not know where they are going. Political leaders and religious fail us too. Confusion surrounds us and among this confusion are the elect flock of God.2.Shepherd's feedingMoses prayed for a shepherd after him. Ezek 34 promised God would search for and look after the sheep placing one shepherd over them. God will be their shepherd. This is the context of Mark 6. Initiative here is entirely with Jesus. he sits them in groups as Ex18:21 just as Israel in wilderness. Gives thanks to God who makes bread to come forth from the earth. Seated on green grass 6:39, an eyewitness account. Ez 35 the shepherd turns the wilderness into green grass. Lord is shepherd so they will not want but lie in green pastures. Does it today for us in the wilderness of this world. He can meet all our needs. Living Christ will feed you. You will like them be satisfied by the good shepherd.3, Shepherd's followersDisciples unusually involved in this miracle. Jesus usually does it all himself but here works through disciples who are asked about food, make people be seated, distribute food. Involved reluctantly and disbelievingly. Think they can do nothing yet the Lord does not bypass them. Deliberately uses these men s they understand their future pattern of ministry. He will be soon gone. His followers are to distribute his blessings to the needy around. Are we moved with compassion for the lost around us? We feel overwhelmed by the need as did these panicking disciples. They has 5 rolls and 3 little fish for 5000. Jesus says inadequate resources do not matter because only the good Shepherd maters. Today we are told to give the people something to eat. We feel inadequate. Look at this miracle. Christ can multiply blessings for us. He can use our small efforts in witness. He can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. No limits to what Christ can do through us.

Grahams notes

Graham Weeks has started taking notes of Sunday nights sermons on his apple mac.
This is from a couple of weeks ago.

Mark 6:14 new section of mark up to 8;30. Up to Peter's confession.
Previously galilean short term mission team. So now a buzz about the ministry. Some think Elijah has returned as promised. Some said a prophet, perhaps Moses great prophet. heroes think John the Baptist has been raised from the dead. This was news to the readers of the gospel. here is a flashback in time. to explain whet happened to John. This is he first passion story in the gospel. A ruler admires a man before him yet does not give him a righteous judgement. Jesus is to do the same as Pilate capitulates to pressure. Also is this not a replay of Elijah? Is not Herod like Ahab, herodias like Jezebel who wanted Elijah murdered. mark is telling Roman Christians persecution is to be expected as they lived under the Emperor.
Here is the anatomy of sin. Sometimes preachers do not deal with positive subjects. Here we see ugliness of sin. Christians today trivialise sin and do not se its foulness. bur se ps 3.5. Festering wounds, pain, no health. He is depressed. He needs help. Knew foulness of sin. See what sin did to Herod.
1. A man guilty of sin.married his brother's wife. Antipas son of The Great. Ruled Galilee, 4BC to 39AD. Half brother Philip a private citizen in Rome. Seduced brother's wife and she came back to Galilee. Adultery and incest with his niece Herodias. We have not sinned like this but a Corinthian slept with his mother in law. Whatever our sin we are all guilty. no on is righteous.
2. A man convicted of sin.The law convicted him but so did John's preaching. he was afraid so protected John who he knew spoke the truth. All of us are convicted of sin. Uneasy conscience troubles us.
3. he was continuing in sin. Did not listen to the preacher. he silenced John. Fortress of makairos by dead Sea very grim. In spite of what god said herod kept on. You have besetting sins. heroes admired John but would not leave his sin . people admire Christ but do not come to Him. You enjoy church but keep on in sin. Increases in sin. Herodias wanted to kill John and the time came at the drunken birthday party. Salome danced lewdly. Herod is aroused half cut and babbles a meaningless offer, slurring his speech. Ask me whatever you want. Table covered in food. She wants John on a plate. Herod sobers up, realises his stupidity, greatly distressed. 13:34 only other use of this word. Jesus in Gethsemane is overwhelmed with sorrow and heroes uses the same words but is a coward. Because of his oaths he orders John to be murdered. Years before he admired John, protected him and would not have done this. But sin had eaten away his moral fibre. he surrendered to sin.
4. Sin spreads, corrodes, grows and does not stop. it id like taking a lion cub home. sweet little cub in a couple of years can rip you to pieces. Sin does that. Now it may be small but it grows. I ca control my internet watching, then a chat to someone , in the office. People do not quickly decay. Sin is nurtured over years. hard thing is to acknowledge the deep roots of sin. herod murders a man he admired because he did not deal with sin. So could you.
5. A man haunted by sin. Jesus reminds him of John and he is disturbed. Storing up unconfessed sin is a danger.
6. A man hardened by sin/ No answer. If you do not del with sin you will be hardened. see 23"-9. This king meets another servant of God. pleased to see Jesus. Wanted a miracle. but no answer given by Jesus. nothing for him. past point of no return. Wants a magic trick But there is full forgiveness for you in Jesus Christ. Come unto me and I will give you rest. if we confess our sins he is faithful-and just and will forgive us our sins. Be killing sin or sin will be killing you = John Owen. Deal with sin now.

Pot Luck Lunch this Sunday

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Trinity, Gospel, Community and Evangelism

Offering the gospel is more than offering personal forgiveness, escape from hell, or even a right relationship with God (though I hasten to add these are the primary benefits of the gospel). Part of the restorative purpose of the gospel is to enable people to stop treating others as objects to be used and start relating to them as persons to be enjoyed.

This purpose of the gospel needs to be understood in light of the nature of God as triune, as well as the purposes of God for creation and the effects of the fall in thwarting those purposes. The fundamental purpose of creation is the glory of God through the flourishing of his created order, and that flourishing is constituted by the created world being in proper relationship, a relationship of shalom (peace, harmony).

Harmonious relationship goes to the very heart of what it means to be human. Humans can be truly human only in proper relationships. Made in the image of God, human beings are Trinitarian beings. Contrary to the individualism which says we can only discover and be ourselves in isolation, the Biblical account teaches us that we are essentially communal. Just as the persons of the trinity are constituted as individual persons in eternal relationship with one another, human beings, made in the image of God, are essentially “person-in-relationship”. The fullness of what it means to be a human being created in the image of the triune God cannot be realized apart from relationships patterned after the triune community.

Man was meant to flourish in God’s creation. Human flourishing consists in and requires that we be properly related to God, self, others, and nature. These are relationships of enjoyment.

Now, one fruitful way to analyse the effects of sin is to see that it seeks to obliterate the glory of God by diminishing the flourishing of creation, most notably in the crown of creation, human beings. Satan is the first graffiti artist. Sin destroys or diminishes the image of God in man by causing alienation. Sin alienates the sinner: from God, himself, other humans, and his place in the world. And the effect of alienation is the diminution of our humanity. Sin makes a monkey out of you; sin dehumanises man through alienation. (Death is the ultimate alienation; possession, severe mental illness, war, addictions, and physical infirmities, are all in the continuum of dehumanizing alienations, leading down to the ordinary strife we experience in human relationships and in the longing for “connectedness” that remains in even the best relationships in this fallen world)

The "objectification" of persons ‑‑ not treating them as persons, but as means to an end, as threats to a goal, or as objects to be used for personal gain, whether it be spiritual notches on one's conversion belt, or sexual conquests, or employees to be exploited … ‑‑ is one form of the breakdowns in dehumanizing relationships.

The gospel is in the business of reconciliation – the restoration of the “shalom”, the peaceful harmony of all things in properly ordered relationship of enjoyment.

The gospel is about restoring our ability to relate properly -- as "persons‑in‑relation" after the image of (according to the pattern in) the triune communion ‑‑ and thereby restores us to the image of God. That, by the way, is the essence of sanctification: the restoration of the image of God in fallen humanity. It follows that sanctification is inherently and essentially a communal and corporate enterprise. (Sanctification = being restored to the image of God. God is a trinity of persons‑in‑relation. Therefore to become like him necessarily involves entering into Trinitarian‑like relations.)

It also follows that if we are not entering into and welcoming others into enjoyable personal (opposed to "objectified") relationships, then we are not offering them the gospel at all. Instead we are offering the same old fallen way of being a human being ‑‑ using people rather than welcoming them into and entering personal relationship ‑‑ except with a religious veneer over it.

The church ‑‑ a community of enjoyment is part of the gospel. Evangelism ‑‑ proclaiming the gospel to the world ‑‑ involves bringing the church to the world and the world to the church, the community of joy, of enjoyment, of a “party people”. Party on, then, and let’s keep inviting others to party with us.

Church and Evangelism

1. Evangelistically, "church" is, or should and could be, the best apologetic for the gospel. That does not mean "Sunday service", of course, though that is part of what the church does. It means a believing, counter-cultural community in which the powers of the New Age, the Kingdom, are at work in reversing the effects of the fall. In such a community people see, taste and experience the gospel as well as hear about it. As Harvie Connn put it, "the church is the "model home" (not in the sense of "ideal", but in the sense of "sample") of the kingdom of God."

2. Belonging Leads to Believing. This is strengthened by the fact that the culture we are trying to reach puts relationship and community ABOVE having right beliefs. Identity is found in the group not in the isolated individual. So abstract and intellectual presentations of the "facts" are, for the most part, skipping right over the surface of their lives and pose no threat to the cultural, religious, spiritual and familial powers and principalities that keep them in bondage.

3. The church is part of the Gospel! Not something that follows the gospel, but part of the good news. This is the real basis for what we are doing, and it assumes an understanding of the gospel which is as great as the effects of the curse. And that includes, as per (1), the creating of a NEW WAY TO BE HUMAN and a NEW SOCIETY. Indeed, it is creating a new way to be human IN a new society. And so it isn't a matter merely of a "prologue" or a pre-evangelism so that we can then get on with "telling" them the gospel. It is a matter of inviting people to share and experience something of the gospel by being in the realm of the gospel.

Friday, 15 February 2008


We will be playing tomorrow at 2.30pm on Drayton Green

Thursday, 14 February 2008

This Sunday

In the morning we'll be studying Ephesians 3:1-13 and in the evening Mark 6:14-29

Evangelism 101: Getting started


1. Know the Gospel; be able to explain it

2. Be Mastered by the Gospel (live a life of repentance and faith)

3. Prayer: private and corporate

Pray for the harvest field (world) and for the harvest force (yourself and the church)

4. Become Friendly and Interested in Others

5. Look For Opportunities

6. Have Resources Available

7. Hospitality & Parties

The best evangelism takes place within the context of shared lives. Don't underestimate the power of corporate witness.

8. Become a "Learner"

9. Strategic Friendships (get in touch with unbelievers)

Evangelism 101: Getting Personal

These are the notes from Bob Heppe's talk last night (there'a bit of John Piper in here) but it was very helpful indeed. I am going to post the stuff over the next few days


1.God wants to save people
For God so loved the world He gave His only Son...(Jn 3:16 -17)
Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners (I Tim 1:15)

2.God has chosen to use us as His message bearers
As the Father has sent me, so I send you (Jn 20:21)

We are Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God (II Cor 5:20)

And you shall be my witnesses... (Acts 1:8)

3.There is no need to fear failure -- Election
All that the Father gives to me shall come to me (Jn 6:37)
... I have many people in this city (Acts 18:10)

4.God is pleased to use the weak and inadequate things of the world
My grace is sufficient; My power is perfected in weakness
(II Cor 12:9-10)
God is pleased through our foolishness to save those whom he has
called (I Cor 1:18-25)

5.We must learn how to pray
apart from Me you can do nothing (Jn 15:5)

that the Word might run and be glorified (II Thess 3:1)
that God may open to us a door for the word (Col 4:3)
in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the gospel (Eph 6:19)

6.We must learn to persevere in specific prayer

Three individuals
Specific plan

7.We must be prepared to pay the price: Evangelism is dying

I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a
single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (John 12:24)

...and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. (Col. 1:24)

Implications of this are both personal and corporate.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Questions to be asked at an infant baptism


1. Do you acknowledge that you are saved only through faith in Jesus, that you trust not in anything you have done or will ever do, but only in His finished work - His death upon the Cross, by which He took upon Himself the penalty for Your sins?

2. Do you realise that baptism is not a saving ordinance, and though it signifies your children's membership in the covenant community, it is not a matter of magic? Do you understand that your children are themselves responsible to receive Christ as Saviour and Lord as they become accountable to Him?

3. Do you in this sacrament covenant together with God to raise your children in the instruction, obedience, and worship of the Lord, to pray for and with them, to keep them in the fellowship of God's people, to be faithful and loving in your home, to be immediate examples of faith, and therefore to do your utmost to lead them to a saving knowledge of Christ at an early age?

4. Do you acknowledge that your children are a gift of God, who are of course to be cherished and enjoyed, but who belong at last not to you but to God? Do you undertake to assist your children in every possible way as they seek to lead a life of devoted service to his Lord and Saviour?

Do you, with God's help, undertake not to hinder your children should they feel called to serve God in a far-away place?

Do you, with God's help, undertake not to complain against God should your children die before you?


Do you, the members of this congregation, agree to pray for these parents as they raise their children in the Christian faith, and to support them in their efforts by providing their children with further examples of obedience and service to God? Should these parents neglect their God-given task, will you in all humility rebuke and correct them?

Choices fund raising night

A fund raising event for Choices, on Saturday 20th June. Its a Cabaret evening with Supper plus promises auction.
Tickets £30. Venue to be confirmed but probably St Marys South Ealing.
The Cabaret will be very high standard.
We want to raise enough money to enable us to employ a centre manager/ fundraiser
see David Barnes for tickets

Questions to be asked of new members

Questions to be asked of new members:

1. Do you know that God exists as a personal God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and acknowledge that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh?

2. Do you acknowledge that you are a sinner, not only in thought, word and deed, but in your very nature; thus if God were to judge you as you deserve he would have to condemn you?

3. Do you know that when Jesus Christ died on the cross, he paid the penalty for your sin and did everything necessary to make you right with God?

4. Do you know God's promise that "he who believes on the Son has eternal life", and have you personally repented of your sin and trusted Christ as your saviour, so that you can say without presumption that you are now a child of God?

5. Do you intend to serve Christ and to make him lord over every area of your life, realizing that this may be costly and that you will need to depend daily on God's strength?

6. Do you recognise the authority of the elders and are you willing to accept their discipline if that should ever be necessary?

7. Do you promise to support this congregation by prayer, giving, and caring practically for individuals?

8. Do you commit yourself to fostering healthy relationships in this congregation, recognising that this includes the stifling of gossip and the expression of any criticism in a positive and humble way to the person concerned?

TVU Christian Union

Next week is TVU Christian Union's mission.
there will be 3 lunchtime meetings (Tue, Wed, Thu) on 'What's so special about Christianity?'
Do pray for Rupert and Aaron and the gang.
Amir will be speaking on the Wednesday and I'm on the Thursday.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

El Valentino

This Saturday night there is a valentines evening - not aimed at matchmaking, just relaxing and having a laugh. The men will be serving the women, if you'd like to come just fire off an email to Graham

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Hospitality night

This coming Wednesday evening Bob Heppe will be speaking at IPC on 'hospitality - why it's important!'

Members meeting

There's going to be a church meeting on Monday 25th January 8pm to discuss building possibilities.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

another website

Uccf have also got an apologetics website which is equally as good.
It's called be thinking

Theology website!!

This site was launched yesterday and it's tremendous.
The Theology network it's run by UCCF

Baptism this Sunday

On Sunday morning we are baptising Darcey Dembek

Prayer Meeting Wednesday

8pm in the lounge - followed by tea and toast!!