Friday, 7 March 2008

Divinity and Dawkins - Debating Delusions

On Wednesday 19th 7pm in the Borders flagship store in Oxford Street (3rd floor). David Robertson the author of the Dawkins letters will be holding a Q & A session on Richard Dawkins the God delusion

The content of The Dawkins Letters brought about the largest ever response on Richard Dawkins’ official website. In it David Robertson counters the popular myths about Christianity
commonly quoted by atheists.

David is the minister of St Peters Free Church in Dundee and editor of the Monthly Record


Jimbo said...

If Dawkins/Darwinism is correct, then he (Dawkins) could easily explain how the first living intelligent cell spontaneously occured from noithing!? (lifeless molecules & atoms..) No Evolutionist has ever been able to prove this, yet they keep skipping it, have they something to hide???? Is this going to be like the Big-Bang theory, 'there was nothing, and then it exploded...' Still waiting for an answer....

Anonymous said...

If Dawkins/Darwinism is correct, then he (Dawkins) could easily explain how the first living intelligent cell spontaneously occured from noithing!? (lifeless molecules & atoms..) No Evolutionist has ever been able to prove this, yet they keep skipping it, have they something to hide???? Is this going to be like the Big-Bang theory, 'there was nothing, and then it exploded...' Still waiting for an answer....