Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Synod and Presbytery - June 08

Last weekend was Synod with the Korean Presbytery on the Friday night and on Saturday the IPC European Presbytery met. I thought it would be good to update you on some decisions that were made

New Moderator - Tae Yoon Ahn - pastor of Ealing Korean Church
New Clerk - Paul Meiners

The Theological committee was asked to consider what it would mean for us to adopt the 3 forms of unity (The Heidelburg Catechism, The Belgic Confession and The Synods of Dort) as our confessional standards in addition to the Westminster Confession. They will report back in the next 6 months and a decision will be made at the next Synod.

Neal Williams was ordained to the work of Church Planting, Bill Nikides preached the charge.

Next meeting - Friday evening June 12 2009

New Moderator - Graham Weeks
New Clerk - Joel Rinn

A commission was appointed to investigate how we can move forward with a Romanian proto Presbytery. Alan Waldecker and the Moderator were appointed to this.

Presbytery agreed to start a Church Relations committee to further links with other reformed denominations. I will be the chairman of this.

For Missionaries who hold their ordination in another body Presytery has provided the possibility of them being Co-opted onto Presbytery. This would mean they are members of Presbytery but would not have a vote.

The Finances of Presbytery are still not in great shape. There is a need for churches and individuals if they saw fit to contribute more.

Next meetings -
September 12th - meeting in Ealing - beginning at 9am
December 4/5 - meeting in Belgium
March 6 - meeting in Ealing

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