Thursday, 29 January 2009

Holiday Bible Club 2009

The proposed dates for this year are Tuesday 2t5h - Saturday 29th August. I am aware that there may be issues with these dates as there are 2 church weddings the Saturday before and the Bank holiday falls on the weekend of HBC hence sending an early e-mail - unfortunately no other week will work. If you can and would be willing to help could you let me know asap so we can see if we have enough leaders to run it this year. I don't want to ask people to prepare if we don't have the manpower to run it as the preparation needed for HBC is quite enormous!

Trip to ethiopia

If anyone is interested in going on the missions trip to Ethiopia from April 4-18, Jennifer needs to know by this Sunday. We will be working in an AIDS project in the capital city, Addis Ababa. Some of the activities include meeting with the support groups and teaching them crafts/skills/health training, etc, leading children’s activities, going on home visits to the beneficiaries’ homes, helping with income generation activities for the support groups, and possibly some practical services like painting houses, etc. In all of these activities there will be opportunities to pray, read from the Bible, and lead Bible studies for support groups or with the beneficiaries individually. There is freedom to speak of Christ through the outreach of the project, and as a result several have become Christians, but there are still a large number of Muslim and Orthodox believers among the beneficiaries. The opportunities for spiritual care and outreach are great. You can check out the project’s website for more information. The trip will cost roughly £800 per person and there will be an opportunity to raise funds for some of it.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Vote for elders!!

'Decisions get made by those who show up' said CJ Cregg on the West Wing.
For those who are church members get your votes in regarding Iain and Chuck becoming elders.
If you are far away and can't get to the ballot box, you can email your vote. Contact me and I'll get you the address.


Tomorow I'm preaching from 1 Cor 10 in the morning - women and their hats!!. In the evening we're in Mark 10:32-45 with James and John. There is a mountain of announcements, so we'll probably stick them on here and on the loop.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

This weekend

This Sunday morning at 9.45 Paul and Alysia Larson will be speaking to the Sunday School kids about being missionaries. I will be preaching in the morning from 1 Cor 10:23-11:1. Sadly in the evening David Meredith's plane doesn't get in in time for him to preach so it's me again back in Marks gospel Chapter 10. I think David Barnes is speaking at the Downhurst home in the afternoon.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Prayer Meeting Wednesday

Prayer Meeting is this Wednesday 8pm. Paul & Alysia Larson who have been in Kenya for the past 3 years will be joining us and sharing about their work.

Saturday, 3 January 2009

What is the Institutes?

JI Packer has written a foreword to a book which explains why read the Institutes, if you scroll down to page 9 it can be found here

Reading the Institutes

Iain and I are going to be reading through Calvins Institutes this year. Reformation 21 have done a reading plan that looks manageable. The more people that do it the more it'll help us keep at it. There's quite a bit online about it - Justin Taylor has pulled together some stuff here and here


Tomorrow morning I'll be preaching on Isa 42 the first of the Servant Songs and in the evening David Field from Oak Hill College will be preaching. We'll also celebrate the Lords Supper tomorrow night