Thursday, 29 January 2009

Trip to ethiopia

If anyone is interested in going on the missions trip to Ethiopia from April 4-18, Jennifer needs to know by this Sunday. We will be working in an AIDS project in the capital city, Addis Ababa. Some of the activities include meeting with the support groups and teaching them crafts/skills/health training, etc, leading children’s activities, going on home visits to the beneficiaries’ homes, helping with income generation activities for the support groups, and possibly some practical services like painting houses, etc. In all of these activities there will be opportunities to pray, read from the Bible, and lead Bible studies for support groups or with the beneficiaries individually. There is freedom to speak of Christ through the outreach of the project, and as a result several have become Christians, but there are still a large number of Muslim and Orthodox believers among the beneficiaries. The opportunities for spiritual care and outreach are great. You can check out the project’s website for more information. The trip will cost roughly £800 per person and there will be an opportunity to raise funds for some of it.

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