Monday, 5 March 2007

Presbytery News

Some news from Presbytery which took place last Saturday.

3 people were examined for eldership.

Murat Ozertiken who is working in Belgium church planting amongst Turks.
Chris Hatch who is working with New Life Masih Ghar in Southall.
Jonny Long who is being co-opted onto the session of Grace Fellowship, Warrington.
Results of the ballots should be in on Saturday.

In the afternoon Pete Harris an Englishman spoke about plans that he and others have to plant reformed and presbyterian churches in the UK. Redeemer Church in New York are going to help fund this. It was extremely encouraging to hear of possibilities for church planting.

Alan Waldecker and Bill Nikides reported on a conference they had spoken at in the US. There are ongoing discussions with some churches from the PCA regarding the possibility of funding for workers and church plants.
Gideon Song from Azerbaijan was at presebytery for the first time since transferring to us. We were also joined by Neal Williams , an American who is planning to move to Baku this summer . There are ongoing problems with the government registering this church .
Kim Song, afounding father of Korean Churches in the UK, has returned from Korea. He spoke about the possibilities of working more closely with the Korean Presbytery. He also told presbytery of a number of IPC Korean elders who have returned to Korea and plan to plant an IPC church in Korea.
All in all it was a very encouraging day. We had representatives from Italy, Romania, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Turkey, Korea, US and UK. It is s exciting to be part of Presbytery at the moment but there are real challenges ahead. Our next meeting is Synod with our Korean brothers on Saturday June 2nd. Pray for us

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